Thursday, November 09, 2006

My Hubby

I realize that I have not blogged in a while but not only that, I have yet to blog about the most important thing in my hubby. Let me start by saying that I am the luckiest wife ever. I lucked out when I met Jason on August 31, 2003. I was working at the GAP when he came in with 4 other girls. He was looking for flip flops in a size 15 and fortunately we had some. I rang up his flip flops and he left with his girl friends. About 2 minutes later he walked back in and this time he was alone. I watched him the entire time as he walked toward me with a huge grin on his face. He asked if I was single and I told him I was. Then asked if he could take me out to dinner one night. So I gave him my number but not really expecting a call anytime soon. Little did I know after he left the store the second time with my number, he was calling his mom telling her he had just met his wife. Jason called me later that night and asked if he could take me out the next night. I replied, "I have church from 6-7 but after that I'm free." He asked where I went to church and I told him Mayfair Church of Christ, he then told me he went to Beltline Church of Christ. This of course was huge, what are the odds of meeting someone in the mall, them asking you out and then being from the same religious background? So the next night he came to church with me and then we went out to dinner and a walk in the park. We dated for 3 months before we got engaged and were married 6 months later.
He has made me happier than I could ever imagine I could be. Jason is thoughtful, loving, charming, caring and all the things you wish for when you think of the perfect spouse. And I know one day he will make a wonderful father. They always say you should marry your best friend and if you have that luxury I would definitely suggest it.
I love you Jason!